Ghostbusters 2016 - The Proof that Journalists Invent SexismDisclaimer: I’m a massive fan of the Angry Video Game Nerd, and have been for years.Jul 11, 20164Jul 11, 20164
Marisa Kabas Lies about the Angry Video Game NerdFor a decade now, filmmaker James Rolfe has been known as the Angry Video Game Nerd (originally, it was just the Angry Nintendo Nerd), a…May 17, 20167May 17, 20167
Social Autopsy, GamerGate, and Hillary ClintonMy original article covering Candace Owens details how she was targeted by Zoe Quinn and Randi Harper, individuals with a long history of…May 16, 20163May 16, 20163
Your Media Lies to You - GamerGate and SkepticismZoe Quinn and Randi Harper have both been described as ‘anti-harassment advocates’ by NY Mag writer Jesse Singal. Singal’s article suggests…Apr 24, 20164Apr 24, 20164